Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Valentine

My Valentine

Your smile is what brightens my day,
Your words are what encourage me today,

That lovely face, those twinkling eyes,
How i wish, you were never away,

Hoping to see you in the morning everyday,
That touch of your hand, that lovely fragrance make me sway,

Swinging our hands, together we start the day,
Facing the world, together we stay,

Enjoying our lunch and that idle stroll in the park,
How i wish that moment would always stay,

Leaving together in the evening,
Is the best part of the entire day,

Holding your Hand, and carresing your arm,
It feels so good to be next to you, any day,

Seeing you climb the train, and bidding me farewell,
IS the Saddest part of the entire Day,

Do not feel like leaving you ever, wish to be with you forever,
Hope that day comes soon for us, when we will be together forever,

Till then I have to brave the nights,
to see another day, sunny and bright,
Will be waiting for you in the same place,
to fall in Love with you over and over again.


Friday, January 7, 2011


A young beautiful Princess, lies in the warmth of her bed, Oblivious to the perilous world around her. Her charming prince sits by her side and guards her from any danger that might awaken her from her dreams. He waits by her bedside, mesmerized by her innocent and delicate beauty. As he stays vigilant, the morning sunshine enters the bedroom. The first rays of the sun, brightens the room and beautifies the angel ten times.

The prince is enthralled by the pureness of the moment, unable to bring himself to reality. Suddenly he realizes, the stealthy sun rays are approaching the princess' eyes. He pulls himself out of his reverie and protects the dreams of his love, by preventing the rays from scorching her eyes. He feels elated that he was able to save his love from the dangers of waking up to an uncertain world, and feels pleased to have preserved her world of dreams in her eyes.

Slowly the princess feels the warmth of her prince's love near her. She opens her dreamy eyelids and sees her Saviour near her, protecting her from the merciless sun rays. She holds her Saviour's hands and wraps them around herself. She feels his strength and feeling secure, returns to the world of Neverland, along with her prince this time, by her side. Both leave this precarious world of uncertainties to be with each other for eternity.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is LOVE?

Why is it that when your dreams crash, it pains so much? Why is it Dreams appear more real than Life? Why do we aspire for more beautiful Life through our dream than our Life? Is Life really that difficult? Why just one 'NO' removes our sense of self-belief? Is being loved so important?

Lot of women have their requirements. Is that all love is? Why is it that even then we are not able to stay happy, when we get what we want? If we don't want something, is it IMPORTANT to fake the ownership?

But we continue to LIVE. hmmm probably its not about having all the answers, its about finding them. Its not about living just your Normal Life but achieving something more than the ordinary. Living a LIFE of HOPE, because that is what brings you back to reality. Because in the end, LIFE is not the reality, your dreams are. Your dreams are what give you what you wanted, happiness, self-respect and satisfaction. Dreams are what brings your normal like to LOVE. Love is the eternal connection which is too easy to be complicated and too complicated to be easily understood. Because no dream is easy to understand.

Only thing you need to ask yourself is, do you have the courage to achieve those dreams. Are you ready to allow yourself to love again, once you have been rejected? are you ready to rise up and fight to regain your lost pride? are you ready to redeem your status after you have fallen?

This is one Life and fight for what you want. NEVER GIVE UP. If one door closes, another opens, just remember not to stare at the closed door for long. Let it go and Keep Smiling, that is who you are and your only strength, LOVE.