Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Valentine

My Valentine

Your smile is what brightens my day,
Your words are what encourage me today,

That lovely face, those twinkling eyes,
How i wish, you were never away,

Hoping to see you in the morning everyday,
That touch of your hand, that lovely fragrance make me sway,

Swinging our hands, together we start the day,
Facing the world, together we stay,

Enjoying our lunch and that idle stroll in the park,
How i wish that moment would always stay,

Leaving together in the evening,
Is the best part of the entire day,

Holding your Hand, and carresing your arm,
It feels so good to be next to you, any day,

Seeing you climb the train, and bidding me farewell,
IS the Saddest part of the entire Day,

Do not feel like leaving you ever, wish to be with you forever,
Hope that day comes soon for us, when we will be together forever,

Till then I have to brave the nights,
to see another day, sunny and bright,
Will be waiting for you in the same place,
to fall in Love with you over and over again.


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